Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Im a beginner - want to do it right

Im a beginner - want to do it right

21 11:42:18

Dear Karen,

I have also contacted Kathy in this forum and liked your profile as well.  Please could you help me prepare, choose and all the important stuff that I need to do before getting my hamster - I believe in preparing and dont know anything about caring properly for my hamster.  I have reaqd alot of interesting facts but it would be nice if you and Kathy could give me your advice.  I have put in my email address and look forward to your email.

Blessings, jess

Hi Jessica,

    What type of hamster are you interested in getting, a type of Syrian or Dwarf? There really isn't to much difference between the two types, but there are some. Knowing which one you want to get, will help me give you better information.
    Looking forward to hearing from you!