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My hampster i think i pregnant

21 11:51:53

Thanks so much
well do you think something is going to go wrong with these litter of babys her 2nd litter she ate them all
besides one i found it dead and burried it!!
i was checking on her today around 9:30 and she was laying upside down..she is really big,do you think its her getting ready to have birth.
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Ok my hamster had a liter and 1/10 lived
she had a second liter and 0/14 lived
i believe she is pregnant again
what type of liter should i use,she likes to burry he pups at the
bottom of the litter,can the breath?
alot die so can i use shredded paper or paper towel
I need help this is i think around her 6th day since they have mated

carefresh and soft-sorbent are great beddings for pregnant hamsters it's soft enough to burrow and carefresh can be easily chewed up and made into a fluffy bedding.

Are you leaving the male in cage with her after giving birth? Do you leave her alone and give her privacy with the new pups? There could be many reasons why the babies aren't living. She could be really stressed over the fact that the male is there, she could feel threatened or she could feel that something is wrong with the babies. More than likely she is pregnant again as it is very easy for hamsters to get pregnant.