Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my gerbil had 1 baby... help!

my gerbil had 1 baby... help!

21 11:57:07

I am babysitting my class pett for thanksgiving week, and my gerbil just had a bay and i have no clue on what to do .... I REALLY NEED HELP !!

Hi Alexis,

Don't panic. Just leave the mother totally alone. Don't touch her or the baby, and only open the cage if you are changing the food. Also, make sure the cage is in a quite place. Other than that do nothing!! I think when you should tell your teacher, and it would be best if you don't take the gerbils back into school until the baby is grown up, as the mum will get stressed out and may kill the baby.

If you tell me how they are every so often and i can help you out with looking after it!!

Don't panic,
