Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > pet store or breeder?

pet store or breeder?

21 11:42:41

just yesterday my gerbil died of a mulitple stroke I think and she left behind her sister well I am going to get another one but I don't know if I should get my gerbil from a pet        store or a breeder and will my other gerbil get along with it what should I do to get them to know each other


Well pet stores get their Gerbils from breeders anyway, but with a breeder you can go at least go and see the gerbils and see how they are being raised where as with a pet shop you don't know who the breeder is and what sort of start to life they have had!!
Just be aware that it can be very difficult to introduce gerbils together, and they may never get on!!
