Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Bleeding.....spooky


21 11:43:37

Hi!I have a male and Female dwarf hamster.I saw them mating a long time ago but i waited and waited for so long until one day I saw my Female hamster have blood on her hand. Then today when i was playing with her i suddenly saw her bleeding on the bottom!!! I wonder if it's the time?

Hi Nicole,

    Did your female get really fat within a couple of days? Have you looked to see if there are any babies in the nest (do not touch the nest with your hand, use a pencil or something to look)? Has it been at least 18 days since you saw them mating? If she is pregnant or you think she might be, you really should not be handling her because this could cause her stress.