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Sluggish Gerbil

21 12:00:35

My boyfriend and I bought 2 gerbils from petsmart 2 days ago. They are sisters so we decided to keep them together. One of the two is very sluggish. Her name is Rei, the other one who is not sluggish is named Sugar. Rei just stays in the nesting area, sleeps, and hardly moves. She seems alright nothing obviously is wrong physically and Sugar is bounding all over the cage. Rei keeps licking my hand and I've heard this to mean that they are thirsty so since she's not so sure about going down the tubes of the cage yet(:P)I got the water bottle and she drank from it but she keeps licking. I was just wondering if the licking and the sluggishness is normal?

Hello Jennifer!

No, it is not normal that she is sluggish. Gerbils should be curious and inquisitive not withdrawn or sluggish. The licking would suggest she is thirsty, and again there will be a reason for that, as it is not normal.

When i have problems with water i tend to put a dish of water down. Put it somewhere you know that she can reach it, and see if this helps. You will find they bury it very quickly with their bedding, so you will need to change it often.

You say you got her at Pet Smart. Does your particular PetSmart have a vets inside as i know some of them do! If yours does take her back in to the shop and tell a member of staff your concerns and that she has been that way since you got her and they should get a vet to check her over.
If there is not a vet in your store i would still take her back in (with the other one just incase, as once seperated for a period they can't go back together) and talk to a member of staff. They should be able to help you sort something out.

It sounds as though it is going to be something which needs the examination of a proper vet, so make your first point of call the store! They should be willing to help!

I'm sorry i can't tell you exactly what it is, but i hope this helps!!

If you need anything else just ask me!!

Thank you,