Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Mr. Darcy =(

Mr. Darcy =(

21 11:56:17

i think my hamster, mr. darcy, is sick and i'm not sure what to do. one morning i noticed that he was doing a lot of wobbling and shaking when he walked. it almost looks like he has the hamster version of MS. he constantly walks in circles and very often looses balance and falls over. sometimes he even has difficulty getting up once he has fallen. I also noticed that he has little patches of missing hair in some spots. I dont know what is wrong. he's still eating and drinking normally. these symptoms appeared almost out of no where. one day he was perfectly normal and the next he's not. i talked to a vet briefly and she said he could possibly be blind or suffering from brain damage. what do you think?


i think he is really sick. is the skin where the bald patches are at flaey and reddish? if so he probably has mange mites, if not then he may be suffering an allergic reaction to something. what type of bedding do you use? ceder and pine can cause allergic reactions such as hairloss. also a hamster wobbling can indicate an ear infection or respiratory infection. in any case i would tae your hamster to a vet asap for treatment. it could be brain damage but with the hairloss i don't thin it is. i think antibiotics will clear it up.