Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > bloating chest

bloating chest

21 11:43:11

My Teddy bear hamster is almost 2 years old. She has had some balding on
the bottom of her back and still does. Today I took a look at her and I saw
that she had a bloated chest kind of balloon looking(like its filled with air). I
know it's not a tumor because its not a lump. You cant see her front 2 legs,
only her paws. She couldn't eat because the bloating was in the way. I think I
should put her down :(

Hi Matilda,

    This sounds like an internal tumor (which can not be seen or felt). I have had a few hamsters swell up like this and shortly after, pass away. Mine would not eat or drink and were around the same age as yours.
    Putting her down is a personal choice. If she is suffering, not eating,drinking or having trouble getting around, then I would have to say that I would do the same thing.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and so sorry.