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Hamster Behavior Problems

21 11:43:14

I have had my hamster, Paris for about 5 months now.  She is very healthy, but it seems like wherever she is, she's always trying to get away.  When she's in her cage, she madly bites on it.  When I hold her, she tries to get away.  Oh, and about 5 minutes ago, she somehow escaped from her ball!
Please help me!
Thank you.

Your question has several parts to it and was a little hard to understand.  I will provide some answers but I am unsure about the last part of your question.

Paris sounds like she might be of the dwarf breed because of how finicky she seems to be please correct me if I am wrong, however all hamsters naturally try and find escape routes and are curious animals that love to explore.

Whenever I use a hamster ball I always place at least two pieces of tape around the opening of the ball to help hold the lid in place, those things are never built sturdy enough and with plenty of bumping and jarring the lid has a high chance of twisting off without human help.

Hamsters will bite metal bars because they think they are strong enough to cut thru the metal, hamsters that do this (most of them do) usually work so hard at trying to cut thru the metal that they end up with scars on the side of their faces where they have been rubbing up against the bars.  This is why I strongly recommend an all glass terrarium with  a secure lid, and all items in the terrarium must be high enough for the hamster not to climb atop of with a clearance area of at least your hamster's heigh and a half to the top of the aquarium.   An example of this is:  Say your hamster is 3 inches tall, that means that IF the hamster were to stand of the tallest inanimate object found in his terrarium there should be at least 5 inches (3 inches for the hamster plus an extra 2 unches) so that IF the hammie climbs atop the highest item he/she will not be able to nip at the lid or climb out.

It is unclear to me whether your hamster is still currently M.I.A so please clarify that part of your question.  I hope this helps!