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pregnant dwarf hamster

21 11:49:27

i have a pregnant dwarf Campbell hamster although i don't know if we bought her pregnant, got her pregnant, or shes just fat.
I've heard that it is best to put the male and female together for the babies but when i did (before we notice she might be pregnant) and she isn't in heat she might bite him or scratch him,no blood has been drawn. i want them together but i have heard that he can impregnate her 24 hours after and that the female is protective of her area and she is to far in her pregnant stage to switch cages. What do you think?

Hi Sam,

For pregnant dwarf hamsters, it's best for the male to help raise the babies.  However, if the male and female have not been living together, suddenly placing the male in the female's cage would just produce fighting, since she is pregnant.  And you've heard right - the hamsters will mate almost immediately after the female gives birth.

Unless the female is very young (less than 2 months old) or very stressed, she'll be able to do a good job raising her babies.  (Many people have to remove the male before the female gives birth, so most of the time a female will have to raise the babies by herself anyway.)  So, unless you're planning to continue breeding, I would advise that you keep the male and female separate.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
