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Adopted gerbil

21 11:40:27

A gerbil was left at a thrift shop..with cage.  The owner was moving and couldn't take it.  I did.
He is bent over...his eyes almost closed all the time.
He was left with a slice of bread...cereal..and some green pelets.  I have him on veggies...seed mix..pellets .  He seems to be more active...but...remains sickly looking.
He eats...and moves around a little more.
He looks like Yoda from Star Wars.  Please help me do right for him...Thanks, Diana

Hi Diana,

I'm guessing you don't know the age of this little guy? He sounds as though he is quite old, in which case this would explain him being bent over and having his eyes closed frequently. If you can, i would take him for a check up at the vets just to double check he is ok though.
Don't feed him too many vegetables as this will make him sick.He really needs to be on a stable diet of seeds, flakes and a certain biscuit. These mixes you can get easily in a pet shop or even you can purchase them on the internet. Giving him the correct food will go along way to helping him!!! Also ensure that he is always kept warm!
I would try and get a vet to look at him though!!
