Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamsters-Golden


21 12:02:00

I just got a hamster. I want to breed it or a least get another Golden. Now some web pages said you could get another Male hamster and she would be okay. But others say she will kill him.What should do? Shoul i get another cage or what?

Hi Sydney,

Yes, Syrian (Golden) hamsters are solitary, and they will kill each other when they're kept together.  So, if you want to breed your female, you'll need to get another cage for the male.

Make sure the female is in heat first.  Females come into heat every 4 days.  To test, stroke her back.  If she's in heat, she will "freeze" up and not move.  You may also notice a musky odor.  Once you've determined that she's in heat, place her in the male's cage and let them mate for 15 minutes or until they've lost interest.  (Never place the male in the female's cage; she will attack him.)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
