Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Super concerned

Super concerned

21 11:43:11

so yesterday morning my mom and i were trimming my dwarf hampsters toenails (pain in the butt if you ask me), but half way through madison(the dwarf hampster) bit my mom, and out of reaction she pulled her hand back and madison fell onto the cement. at first madison did not move and my mom started crying I KILLED HER! so i ran to her, and placed my hands around her, careful not to touch her, to calm her. eventually madison started to kick her back feet, i thought she was dying so i just sat there preparing myself. but then madison rolled onto her tummy and started limping along with only 3 feet (not her front left foot), so i tried to stop her moving by placing my hands closer around her to keep her still. she wouldnt use her front left foot. so thats the background. shes MUCH better now, i did contemplate the pain she was in, but i do not see it as very bad. but i am concerned with her now. i took out all climbing devices so that she can rest, and i placed her food and water nearby. she has been sleeping, which i know is a good thing, but she makes this noise though. its like a very quiet weep almost, like a squeak. i dont know what to do =[ my poor baby =[

another concern.. how do you trim the toenails? i cut holes in a huge towel and i let her walk on it and wait for a foot to hang out, then my mom carefully holds the foot while i trim the toenails, she doesn't seem to mind it, or bite, yesterday was the first time she did that. =[ i was just wondering if you had any tricks? thank you!!!

courtney cook

Hi Courtney,

Please disregard my other "outside my expertise" answer.  I accidentally hit the wrong button.

When your hamster fell, she most likely went into shock, which is common when a hamster falls onto a hard surface.  Sometimes a fall like that can cause brain damage or internal injuries.  Hopefully, your hamster does not have any of that, and she is just still in shock.  Try not to move her too much for the next couple of days, and watch her carefully for any signs of pain.  If you feel that she is not returning to normal, then I would encourage you to take her to the vet, who can check for brain damage and internal injuries.

The best way I've found to trim the toenails is to hold the hamster, one hand around the stomach, and one hand holding the foot still.  Then I have someone else with steady hands cut the very tip of the toenail.  However, if you're having trouble with this (and it can be especially difficult with dwarf hamsters, which are smaller and more fidgety), then you can take your hamster to the vet, who will clip them for a small fee.

I hope your hamster gets better soon!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
