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dwarf hamster acting strange

21 13:30:46


i have a random question.  i have a dwarf hamster and she started doing something i have never seen her do before.  She claws at the side of her cage and then she flops on her back and rolls over a few times quickly.  I was just wondering if this is a sign that she may be sick or something?  i have had her for a couple months and she started doing this during the past week.  

thanks a bunch


Dear Jarrett,
thank you for your question. I'm sorry it took so long, but for some reason I didn't get the notification email.
Some hamsters just like to do such things. I had a dwarf hamster who liked to drop himself onto his back from the top of his house into the substrate.
It might be a sign of boredom and/or a too small cage, though, and may develope into stereotypical behaviour. Offer her lots of toys (cardboard tubes/containers, shredded and crumpled paper, branches and twigs with leaves from hazel, beech, birch, oak and willow to climb and gnaw, baskets, a digging container, scatter her food in the cage instead of using the food bowl ect.).
I hope I was of some help to you