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dawf hamster an emergancy!!!!!!!!

21 13:30:45

we have a hamster thatis moving around but its eyes are not open

Dear Danielle,
thank you for your question.
I assume it's an adult hamster? If so, it might be a sign of illness or old age. Hamsters often have crusts on their eyes when they get older and have difficulties with opening their eyes at first. But it might be a sign of conjunktivitis (pink eye), so I'd recommend taking the hamster to a vet, preferrably a vet knowledgeable about rodents.

If it's a baby hamster: they start to explore some time before their eyes open. Usually the mother takes them back into the nest when they stray too far. Unless the hamster doesn't find his way back into the nest at all, this is okay and perfectly normal.
I hope I was of some help to you