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female hamster ate male hamster

21 11:10:35

i had a female hamster and a male hamster (syrian) together in a cage. after 10 days i brought them, the male hamster died and the female hamster ate half the head of the male hamster. i am horrified. is something wrong?

Dear Nafisa,
thank you for your question.
Most rodents will eat dead cagemates, that's normal. It's a source of animal protein, which hamsters need and it's their instinct not to waste it. It's also their instinct to get rid of a dead body before it attracts predators, so they will often eat as much as they can and bury the rest.
However, Syrian hamsters are solitary and should never be kept in one cage. They will eventually fight to the death, even when they are male and female or when they are siblings. The female will be fine on her own. There's a good chance she's pregnant, though. Offer her extra animal protein (insects such as mealworms, crickets, silkworms - dried or alive) and extra nesting material. If she has babies, they need to stay with her for 32 days, then the males must be separated from her and the female babies because then they will be able to mate.
I hope I was of some help to you