Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I would like a hamster

I would like a hamster

21 11:14:57

From young, I have always wanted a hamster.How should I care for a hamster?How much must I feed him?I've got so many questions on hamsters.Can you teach me how to take good care of hamsters?Thanks.

Hi Jack

It's great that you want to get a hamster - I think they make fabulous pets.  This is a really big subject, however, to cover in an email.  You could try searching the Internet for sites with information about keeping hamsters, or you might want to look at my site:  If you want to email me your mailing address to, I would be pleased to send you a copy of a book I wrote about hamsters - with my compliments.  This hopefully will give you all the information you need to keep a hamster.
