Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Appropriate housing sizes...

Appropriate housing sizes...

21 11:50:57

The only housing I could afford for my dwarf hamster was roughly the area of a shoebox, and about a foot in height. It fits an exercise wheel, cardboard tube, water, and food comfortably, but I've read a few experts claiming that dwarves need even more space than most hamsters. Also, since dwarves apparently get lonely without a cage partner, would putting a second dwarf in with the first in such a small cage cause problems? Thank you!

Dwarf hamsters are very lively, and can run over 5 miles (8 kilometres) per night. Because of this, they need a cage of at least 20 inches long, and if possible more than one level. They also need a good wheel to run in. Therefore, a cage the size of a shoebox, is, unfortunately, not appropriate for any hamsters or gerbils.
You are correct, they like to be in single sex pairs or groups, as they enjoy interacting with one another. a 20 inch cage with 2 levels should be enough for 2.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Best of luck,