Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hampster


21 11:14:39

Hi, i bought a hampster for my son over a year ago and just recently we have noticed a lump on his tail.  What could this be? and what could have caused it?  Or should i take him to the vet?



Hi Anna

It is very difficult to know what this is without seeing it.  Lumps in hamsters can be cysts, abscesses or tumors.  Is there anyway he has injured/cut  himself and this has infected and caused a swelling?  

When you say a lump on his tail - hamster tails are tiny - is it actually that area, or is it more in his testicle area?  Hamsters testicles can sometimes look a bit strange, change shape and be lopsided - is there any way it could be this?  Can you send a photo of it?

If you are worried, then it would be worth getting someone to have a look.  If it is a cyst/abscess, then these can be drained by a vet and antibiotics given.  If it is a tumor, it is possible to remove these if they are superficial.

How is he apart from this?  Is he OK, eating/playing normally or does he look generally unwell?  

Hope this helps.
