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Help me on this one .

21 11:50:39

I have a hamster hes a boy and called Shandy. He is a syrian hamster i bought him from pets at home. I always play with him but the thing i don't understand is hes keeps on biting me and i had him in a plastic cage because i have a cat and dog but he chewed the bottom of it so i took him out. I even put him in a new cage and started speaking to him again. But i don't know if i want to put him in a plastic cage anymore so. Do you think he would like it in the tank please write back because i need help thanks.

Hi Kirstin,

Your hamster is biting on his cage because he needs something to chew on.  Hamsters' teeth are always growing, so make sure your hamster has chew toys (sold at pet stores).

A tank would be a fine cage for your hamster.  However, it must be at least 10 gallons large.  And, you'll need a lid that's very well-ventilated, with lots of small holes in the lid.  Glass tanks have a tendency to build up moisture, which is dangerous to a hamster, so that's why you need a well-ventilated lid.

Happy Easter!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
