Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Roborovski Hamster + Broken Leg?

Roborovski Hamster + Broken Leg?

21 11:36:52

Hello. I have Recently Been away and left my hamsters with my cousins when they came back there was no food + water. One of my hamsters is fine but the other one was bleeding when it came back it now has a BIG! scab on its bottom and dosent seem to be using its back right leg i am really worried and dont know what to do? please Help Signed Worried Owners Rachael & Lauren x

Hi there,

I just read your ratings, and I'm curious as to why you gave me a 4 on politeness?  I thought I was very polite.  Did it have to do with the duplicate question?  When I get 2 of the same question, I press a button that says "duplicate question."  I'm not sure what allexperts sends to the questioner (you) in regards to that...If you could just let me know, that would be great, so that I could improve my performance, or if it has something to do with the "duplicate question" response, I can email allexperts and ask them to change it.  Thanks!
