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My hamster ran away!

21 13:25:16

MAYDAY.My female eropean blck bear hamster chewed a hole through the screen at the top of the cage and escaped.I dont think that she could of made it out of the house but the door was open so she could of left the room.Our house is small tho,so i put a box of bedding and i made some eggs with cheese and put it in the box.i also put her cage on the ground with a ramp going uip tto the topp of the cage.also put a container in the hallway with the same stuff in it.And i put a plate of food on the floor of the room im always in.Now,is there anything else i can u have a idea of how i can catch her or trap her sumhow.Please help!

Well, you did everything that you are supposed to do to try to catch an escaped hamster. Try to look for droppings and look in small, dark corners of your room and house. They like to feel cozy so find places it can hide that are small, look in your closet and under your dresser. Just hope your hammie comes back. You did the best you could do though and good luck to you.