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tuma on my hamster!

21 11:55:57

hi! well me and my mom took my hamster to the vet and the vet said that my hamster has an tumour....... what should I do should I put it down or is there some kind of treetment that can make the tumour dissapear???

Hi Kim, your vet should have told you the options when you took it to them, there is veterinary treatment it could have to remove or shrink the tumour but to be honest this is stressful for them and it wont guarantee it living any longer than normal, otherwise you can just make the remainder of its life a happy one, plenty of treats, comfy bedding and trips to the vet if you think it is in any pain or discomfort. tumours in rodents are very common so dont think its anything you could have prevented, it just happens sometimes, give it plenty of love and make the rest of its life a happy one! hope this helps, good luck, Jen