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are my hamsters girls or boys?

21 11:06:01

I have 4  hamsters, 1 brown one and 3 white ones.....Today as i was looking in the cage i found something red...I then noticed that it was a baby! I didn't even know my hamster was pregnant! But i don't know which ones are males to take out of the cage and put into a new one!!! How do you tell if my dwarf hamsters are females or males?

Dear Layla,
thank you for your question.
Here's a guide to sexing dwarf hamsters:
You can put the hamsters in a glass bowl to take a look from underneath if you can't get them to keep still in your hand.

The female may be pregnant again already, since they can mate right after giving birth. Supply her with plenty of animal protein (dwarf hamsters should always have it, but pregnant and nursing females need an extra amount) and leave her alone as much as possible. The babies need to stay with her for 29 days, then you need to separate the males from their mother and sisters because they can mate at that age.
I hope I was of some help to you