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My Hamster....

21 13:30:42

Hi! Just yesterday (6-28) My brother and I got a Panda Bear Hamster from a petstore.

I've already had two hamsters a couple years back that died of old age, and thought they were great pets.

Anyway, I know that naturally my Hamster is going to be very shy and afraid in his new home, but this little guy is very shy... he trembles when I or my brother come into the room, and when I went to put him in his cage yesterday, he was squeeking and almost like- hissing at me...along with literally jumping out of my hands....

Since then I've left him alone...but I was wondering if there's anything to do that can help him get more used to humans, and how long do you think I should leave him in his cage without petting him/putting him in his ball?

I don't want to terrify him...So I'm not sure what to do....

Also, are Panda Bear Hamsters just like Syrians? I'm not sure on that either, I've tried to research them, but not a lot is coming they require special needs/etc...? I've never heard of Panda Bears until yesterday, when I went to PetSmart to buy a Hamster, and I thought Panda Bears were very cute, and he looked very healthy, I got him! Panda Bears were also more expensive then regular there a reason?

please help!!

Thanks so much!

Hi Cassie,

Well, first, Panda Bear hamsters are Syrian hamsters.  They are only called Panda Bear because of their coloring, which is unusual and very pretty (which is likely why you had to pay more for yours than you would have had to for a more common tan or grey colored hamster).

You should not hold or touch your new hamster for 48 hours  to let it get used to its new environment.  After 48 hours (June 30), put a piece of food on your hand and put your hand into the hamster's cage.  After a minute, it should come to your hand and you can pick it up.  After this, you can handle your hamster for a few minutes a few times a day.  Make sure you're sitting down, so if he does jump, he won't have far to fall.  Be very calm when you handle him, as hamsters can sense nervousness.  

Good luck!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
