Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my neighbor...

my neighbor...

21 11:28:41

got me a hamster and i looked inside the box and saw one hamster and thought "oh so cute" but when i dumped it inside the cage it had BABIES!!!
its my first hamster and I'm gonna have a hard time figuring out how to take care it, nevermind the little darlings it comes with.
their about two or three days old.
what should i do?

Hello Stephanie,
right now the best thing to do is nothing, don't disturb the cage or anything for two weeks. Just feed her and change her water. At two weeks you can start to handle them and you should also sex them. Here is a great link on sexing hamsters.

Just make sure she has plenty of water and treats and when the pups are 28 days old give thm away or put the females together and the males seperately.