Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > HELP!!! Hampster had babies and neglected them and shes acting different

HELP!!! Hampster had babies and neglected them and shes acting different

21 11:30:23

Okay, Well im worried because i have like 7 hampsters and this one i have (baby) Was the baby of them all. She had 5 babies like 2 days ago and at first i didn't separate any of them because i saw that she had a nest and i seen her feeding them. But since yesterday i realized that she was sleeping allot and not not feeding her babies. So today when i looked at them the were all dead except for one. I separated the mama and the baby and shes still not doing anything. I'm really worried because the mama's area is swollen and theres like a little bit of blood on her stomach. She's acting really different cause shes not being active shes just laying there! Is she dying? Or is maybe she sick? Or did having the babies do something to her?? I don't know I'm freaking out because i really don't wanna wake up and see that she's dead! PLEASE ANSWER AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!

Thanks, Candace

Hi Candace,

i really dont understand why you have all of your hamsters together - they are probably really stresses out!  No wonder she is having trouble caring for her babies!

What kind of hamsters are they?
Are they all together in one cage?
How many are Male and How many are Female?
How old are they?
Are they realted to each other?
If yes, then how are they all related to each other?

Answer all of these questions quickly and i will try to give you some advise!

You shouldnt let you hamsters breed until you have researched everything thoroughly - you need to have read everything you possibly can before breeding!

You should also speak to as many breeders as possible so they can give you lots of help and advise.

Kind Regards,
