Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > can we feeds the hamsters with vegetables?

can we feeds the hamsters with vegetables?

21 11:12:46

can we feeds the hamsters with vegetables such as bread,cucumber,cabbage? Are THEY GET NUTRITION ?


Hamsters should be given a varied diet.  They should have a hamster dry mix which consists of seeds, nuts and hard biscuits - you can make up your own but the ready mixed ones from pet shops are fine.  In addition it is good to feed them a small amount of vegetables every evening - such as cabbage, broccoli, corn on the cob etc.  Avoid giving too much lettuce as it can cause diarrhea.  As a weekly/fortnightly treat they can have a tiny piece of cheese or scrambled egg.

Hope this helps.