Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Sick Gerbil

Sick Gerbil

21 11:12:46

QUESTION: I checked on my Gerbil this morning and saw that she seemed to be bloated and blind! She was in the top of her cage, with her legs beneath her. I opened the cage and gave her a little pet and when she jumped and tried to move away she did so very slowly, as though it pained her to walk, and she never opened her eyes. She is over a year old (maybe two years now) and has given birth to one litter before. I don't hear her running on her wheel much anymore - is she just getting old, or is there something really wrong with her?

ANSWER: Hi Sally

I'm sorry to hear about your gerbil.  She does sound very sick.

If she is only a year old, then this is unusual.  If she is 2 or more then these could be signs of old age.  As they get older they become less active and want to sleep more.  However I'm concerned that she is bloated and blind and I think that she really ought to see a vet so that they can diagnose her.  Do you have a local vet you could get her to?

Is she going to the toilet normally?  Bloatedness can be due to constipation, water retention or a tumor, hence the reason why it would be good to get someone to examine her as they should be able to diagnose what is wrong and get her the right type of treatment as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, make sure her cage is easy for her to get around - remove any ladders and platforms if you can so that she is on one level and can reach food and water easily.  

I hope you get on OK.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the quick reply. She is over two years old (I got her when she was already one, and that was over a year ago). I picked her up earlier to put her in the bottom of the cage where there was fluff and bedding, and she was so cold! I don't believe the vet I go to for my cats attends to animals as small as gerbils. You're probably correct about the old age. I guess it just makes me really sad to see her go. I also think I might be wrong about the bloating - she always has been a little on the chubby side, and when I looked in earlier it didn't look like bloating. It looked like she was just getting into the corn a bit too much. Thank you for your advice, it really was helpful.


Thanks for giving me the update.  Her symptoms are definitely age related now - sadly these little creatures can suddenly go downhill and because they have such a strong will to live they don't give up that easily.  The only thing really is to make sure she is comfortable.  I tend to feed mine human baby food (creamy porridge oats) when they are ill or elderly as they seem to enjoy this.  If you buy the packet variety mix this with water.  Also give her any of her favourite foods and try to keep her warm and quiet.
