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cage cleaning

21 11:24:24

Hi, my daughters hamster died :(
He was housed in a 10 gallon aquarium with a screen top.  I always used crittercare bedding the pappery kind, no wood of any kind.  He was also litter box trained.  He was a super awesome little guy, we will miss him so much.  My daughter is taking it hard too. Anyway, the question is...
In taking care of the whole cage and stuff, I cleaned it out with vinegar and water.  Should I also wash it in a bleach solution?  I just want the cage to be fresh and clean when I put it away.  We may get another little buddy someday and it will be ready for him if I put it away clean and fresh.

Sandy -
I'm sorry for the loss of your hamster :( Sounds like he was an awesome little guy.

I would stay away from bleach or anything else toxic while cleaning the cage. The vinegar and water, and some airing out should do it. The problem is that you don't want any residue to remain after you rinse it and to hurt the next hamster.