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New hamster behaviour

21 13:28:41

Hi, my hamster's about 8 weeks old & I've had him a couple days. I'm about to get him a bigger cage because I'm worried he's bored in the smaller starter cage. My question is, he sometimes lies in his wheel after running, appearing to be napping but with eyes open. He always sleeps in his nest at night and sometimes when resting on the wheel like this his teeth chatter. He'll then get up and wash & run again or maybe eat. He doesn't seem to eat or drink very much but maybe that's normal. I'm just worried about the way he'll suddenly go quiet & still like this in the wheel, and especially about the chattering - thanks for any help


    Your hamster is just getting a little tired after running so he lays in his wheel to catch his breath and for a little rest. The chattering of his teeth usually means that they are aggitated with something. This could be the small cage or it could be something you don't know about it is hard to tell.

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