Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my hamster prego

is my hamster prego

21 11:35:57

i got my dwarf hampster about 2wks ago. she looks bigger then when i got her. she seems to be sleeping in the corner of her cage and at times the other side and moves her bedding around there. she stood up and she seemed to have 2 pink lumps like a dog has after nursing but it looked swoolin .

Hi Tina,

If you only have one hamster then the only way she could be pregnant is by one of her litter mates.  If this happened then she should have then anytime between 22 and 30 days after the conception - so she should definately have the babies before 30 days after you brought her.  Only time will tell!

Also, Male hamsters sometimes have two 'pink lumps' at the back of them which can sometimes seem swollen so send me a pic if you like and i will try and see if you have a girl or not.

