Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Gerbil help if you can! Please and thank you!

Gerbil help if you can! Please and thank you!

21 11:34:02

I know you're a hamster specialist, but I'm REALLY needing help with my gerbils.  I have two girls that have lived together since March.  They have 2 HUGE cages, 2 external running wheels (the really big ones), and plenty of tubing (about 80 tubes connecting everything together).  They had a few issues when I first brought them home, we brought Dora home about a week before Rita.  They fought a little then, but I knew enough to separate them and let them sniff each other out from separate cages for a few days.  They have been living happily together since March of this year.  Today they started fighting!!  Rita is pretty beat up, and Dora is only bleeding from the mouth.  I separated them right away and they are now in 2 separate cages with one wheel attached to each, so each gerbil still has plenty of room to play.  I'm relatively sure that they will heal, but is there even a way to put them back together?  Thank you for any help that you can give me.  And if you can't, but know someone who can, will you PLEASE pass this question on?  Thank you sooo much!

Hi Rachel,

i am really sorry but i dont know anything about gerbils - i dont even think i have ever picked one up!

I will try to find a gerbil expert to answer your question for you.

Kind Regards,


Hi Rachel,

One of the Gerbil Experts is 'Charlotte Louise Gutteridge', please can you ask her your question and she should be able to help you.

She is 'Maxed Out' at the moment, so please keep checking her profile and ask her as soon as she becomes free again as someone else might beat you to it.

