Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Age that you should buy a dwarf hamster

Age that you should buy a dwarf hamster

21 11:55:19

hi I want to know what age  a dwarf hamster should be when you buy it because ours died of wet how old should a dwarf hamster be when buying it.thank you for your help.

Dear Lexine, thank you for your question.
I apologize for taking so long to answer, I haven't been able to access the internet for the last two days.
The hamster should be at least 29 days, but it's better when they can live with older hamster for some more time. They can breed when they are 30 days old, though, so the groups must be either male or female (many pet shops don't pay attention to this, a good breeder is the better option).
I hope I was of some help to you