Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > nice or not?

nice or not?

21 13:29:33

I have a syberian dawrf hampster what is the easiest way to get her to be nice I try lying my hand in the cage ABOUT Twice a-day and I do it very still but all she does is nibble at it. It is fine after I get her then she does not bite at all but the only way I a can pick her  up is to hope that she crawls in the glove tat I put in her cage so I can pick it up.

Hi Tyller,

Dwarf hamsters have a reputation for being pretty aggressive, especially when they are put in a cage by themselves.  (Dwarf hamsters are much happier when they are in same-sex pairs.  However, if your hamster is not very young, then it's too late to get her a partner.)  Still, it is possible to tame them.  You will have to be patient with her, and make sure to handle her every day, or at least every 2 days.  To make her stop biting you, you can wear a glove when you pick her up.  Or, there's this product called Bitter Lime Spray (or gel) that you can buy at pet stores.  It's marketed for ferrets, but it's safe for all animals.  You just spray or rub it on your fingers when you're about to handle her.  She'll get one taste of it, and she'll absolutely hate it because it tastes so horrible.  Use it a few times, and it should make her stop biting you.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
