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my poor hamster

21 11:37:30

ok, I have a male black bear hamster named joie, he is about 1/12 years old. He isn't a dwarf but you were the only person who was not on vacation. Can you please try, im very nervous. He has resintaly  visited a girl hamster a couple days ago maybe a week ago ( i don't no if that would have anything to do with it) i went to hold him like usual, and his butt, was allot! larger that usual. it looked to me as if he hasn't gone to the bathroom in a really long time or something, and im scared if he could die, and i have used this website before, and my hamster ended up dyeing after i did, so i want to try and help this one so that doesn't happen again.

please try to help me,
i would really apresheate it
because i love my joie allot =/

Dear Sam,
thank you for your question.
I'm fairly sure that what you see are only the hamster'S testicles. They can grow huge with all hamsters and sometimes may appear a lot larger when it's warm or when they are getting older. The visit to the female hamster may have helped it along, too.
Here's a picutre of one of my hamsters. Sorry for ther bad quality, but you can clearly see his testicles (basically, the bulge behind his hind legs):

If you want to make sure, I recommend a vet visit, that way you can rule out any medical problems 100%.
I hope I was of some help to you