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Boy mating with boy?!?

21 12:00:25

Okay.  My gerbils are being a bit gay right now.  I know for a FACT, 100%, that Little Dude is a BOY, yet Mickey is you-know-whating him!!!  Little Dude is a runt, yes.  But he has a large cuboose and has not yet been desturbed by a boy... that is, until now.  Mickey's sister, Magic has been mated with Mickey and Skittle before, but that was a long time ago.  Now all of the sudden, Little Dude is covered with those boy-made cells!  Icky!  All I here is squeeking.  All I see is Little Dude being admirely chased by Micky.  Yep, they ARE gerbils.  So... could you please help me?

Hi Kacee,

OK, so which gerbils do you have in together? Mickey and Little Dude? If only those two, how old are they and how long have they been together?

It is normal to see males and females behaving in that way.....weird as it is. It helps them to decide who is the dominant one out of the group, and it is telling the other gerbil who is boss. It should settle down, but if not you may decide to split them just so poor Little Dude gets a break.