Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sqwuak


21 11:32:05

i got a hamster on saturday, and all is going well, i have tamed her so she doesnt bite me n e more when i handle her. the only problem is, when she is in her pet carrier, she sqwuaks and its loud. do u think she misses her sisters? or that she doesnt like being in enclosed area? im worried

Hi Rebecca,

Hamsters are habitual creatures, and they don't react well to change.  They especially become stressed out when they are being moved from place to place.  Try to avoid transporting your hamster a lot if you don't have to.  

Your main goal is to reduce your hamster's stress, since she is so new to you and her new home.  Stress causes a number of diseases, including the often fatal wet tail disease, so you'll need to be extra careful with your hamster for a while to minimize her risk.  (For example, besides not transporting her often, keep her away from loud noises and bustling activity.)

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your new arrival!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
