Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Why doesnt my Roborovski hamster mother take care of her babies?

Why doesnt my Roborovski hamster mother take care of her babies?

21 11:56:44

hi! my Roborovski hamster mother gave birth the 2nd time..1st time has 4 babies..and now this time 1 baby..but all died! the mother doesn't want to feed or nurse them. Why?  

hi huifen,

the only reason i can think of, for why she isnt looking after them is because you may have touched the babies, the nest or anything associated with the cage. you should leave them completely alone for the first week as your smell will cause her to either kill them, or abandon them.

good luck and thank you for your question, please ask again if you need to and let me know how you get on.

joanne :)