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Hamster Scratching and Gender

21 11:54:59

I just bought my hamster today and he/she is constantly scratching! Does he/she have mites? Also, Ive looked up how to tell what gender my hamster is and am at a total loss. Please help!

Hi Amber, it is a possibility that your hamster could have mites but if you got it from a reputable shop then it really shouldnt. change its bedding to a non fluffy soft paper type and its floor covering to a non wood based type as these can cause skin irritations. any further irritations should be checked over by your vet really as he may need treatment. as for the gender thing, did the person you got it off not tell you?? if you can handle it then flip it over and look at its bottom area, by the time you bought it if it is a male its testicles should be noticeable just beneath its tail. another way to tell is the distance between the anus and the genitals, if the two areas are next to each other then it is female but if there is a noticeable gap then its a lady! (oh the things you learn!!)  hope this helps, good luck!! Jen