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My hamster sleeps alot!

21 11:36:36

I have a teddy bear hamster and shes about a year and 1/2. Shes been sleeping an awful lot lately and i have to wake her up but she ends up falling back asleep after she eats. I try to get her to run but no avail. She fell on her back from the counter the other week and there was a big thump could this be part of the problem. Also i was thinking to take her to the vet do you no around how much money it is for like a check up?? Thank you for your time please email me back thank you!

I think the problem might be you aren't realizing that your hamster is nocturnal, meaning they sleep almost all day, and are very active for a short to long period at night. I believe there is nothing wrong with your hamster here. Mine sleeps all day, and I don't hear him running on his wheel or digging until around 3AM. He doesn't stay up long, but he also wakes up once or twice during the day to take a drink.