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Sexing hamsters

21 11:06:38

QUESTION: Hi Sheila...I don't know who is more or Peanut! I just tried to have a look at her/him at 3 and 1/2 weeks old and I'm not sure! Do females have ventral scent glands as well? There is a bit of space between the anus and the other genital opening, but I couldn't tell if there were testicals or not?? He/she is still with mom, but they were sleeping in different locations tonight which I think is a first. When is the time when I NEED to get it right? Man, the little one sure was squirmy, and I didn't want to hurt him. I have tried by putting him in a clear container, but I really couldn't see then...HELP! Thanks for your time.


I laughed when I saw your email - yes they are very difficult to handle.  They don't seem to understand that you need to turn them over.

Have you looked at the videos on YouTube for sexing dwarf hamsters:

you might find this of help.  Another site is:

Hamsters can become sexually active from 4 weeks, and so you do really need to sex them around that time.  If the baby is still quite small, he would probably still be OK with mum for a bit longer - it is difficult to know.  If I have a male runt in a litter I often leave him with the mum for another week just so that he gets a bit more nourishment - providing that I don't feel that he is large enough to mate with her.  The fact that they are sleeping alone is interesting.  Often this is a sign that they need splitting - are they fighting at all?

Good luck with this!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again, and thanks...I've never heard or seen them fighting, but I have seen the baby boxing mom in the nose and she just walks away! This has only happened a couple times that I have seen this a couple times. They are definitely sleeping separately...they were in different spots again this morning. I guess I could just separate them...but that makes me kind of sad to think about. I'm sure they'll get over the separation...right?? Thanks again, KJ

Hi again

For some reason I can only read part of your question - in answer to the question about separating them - if you have to, then you must.  It will give a much better quality of life for both of them if they are separate, rather than them fighting or one being bullied.  If there is a problem and one is bullied their life will become miserable and some hamsters cannot cope and end up dying.  One separated they get used to life on their own pretty quickly and often thrive.  In an ideal world it would be lovely for them to all live together, but sadly sometimes this isn't possible.



I would only separate them if there is definitely a problem in that they are fighting.  Once separated you can't really put them back together.  If this is a boy and providing they aren't fighting as such (you normally see one chasing the other a lot, or obviously being aggressive, or you hear a lot of squabbling that clearly isn't play fighting) then I'd keep him with her until he is 4 weeks of age.  The key thing really is trying to sex the baby.  If it is a girl, obviously she can stay with mum providing they don't seriously fight.  I don't know how big a tank/cage they are in, but make sure there are lots of places to sleep and things to do - if necessary fit a second wheel so that they both have their own area and a place to go if they don't want to be together.
