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My pregnant hamsters nest

21 11:37:34

I went to the local pets store where the hamsters chewed through the barrier separating genders years ago and the owners know it so theres 30 or so hamsters mating continually (I saw 4 mating when I went there today and tried,and failed to separate them) and I picked up a female hamster and she was  so pregnant her belly was purple and swollen you could even see the babies, anyway, she's due today or tomorrow and her nest consists of the bottom of the glass aquarium. What should I do to help her, also she's gnawing away the glue holding the aquarium together is it dangerous? Thanks

Hello olivia,
the glue can be dangerous since it's not digestible. You can buy more aquarium glue but another thing you can do is put some vinegar on the edges and hopefully she will stop. Also as far as a nest goes I'd throw some toilet paper in the cage for her to make a soft plump nest with. :) Good luck and congrats.