Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my friends hamsters dying

is my friends hamsters dying

21 11:59:15

my friend has gone on holiday again this is the second time i have looked after it last time it was pretty active and friendly . this time it looks a powler colour, looks abit grey i suppose its not really very active and i bit me when it stroked it. they are not so bad now but the other day i looked as if it couldnt seem to open its eyes very well , bit unbalaced as well a constantly make like a squeeking noise, or a sort of as it its sneezing? could it just have cold, what should i do?

it seems that the hamster is indeed sick. I advise that you either talk to your parents and have your parents talk to your friends parents about taking the hamster to a vet or you let your friend decide when your friend gets home what to do. I do believe that the hamster has a respiratory problem and maybe even an ear infection since it's walking funny. It's not your fault that the hamster is sick so don't feel bad at all.