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Gerbil babies are so scared....

21 11:51:06

Hi Shawntiah,
My gerbils had 4 pups this time and they are very jittery. Everytime I walk into the room, or put my hand in the cage to feed them, they scatter and hide. They are 4 weeks old and my previous pups were calmed down by then. Do you have any suggestions on how to tame them? The parents have also picked up on this behaviour and no longer have much trust in me. Please help!

Hello Sarah,
You will have to constantly interact with the gerbils for them to become more tame and not run and hide. They aren't very familiar with you so you need to hold them and speak softly to them everyday. Put a few sunflower seeds in your hand and put your hand in the cage if you can, giving them food is a good way to gain trust. :-)