Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > milk


21 11:05:31

Hi, i would like to ask, what milk can i give to my hamster? I heard cow's milk can be dangerous to them so i wonder if i could give them cow's milk or goat's milk or etc. Thank you in advance.

Hi Eika

Cows milk is OK for adult hamsters, however, the problem with giving milk is that if it starts to turn sour it can make them very sick. I never give my hamsters milk on its own - sometimes I give scrambled egg that might have a little milk added to it.  If I want to give a nutritious meal instead of their usual one, I give baby food.  The powdered varieties are good and you add water to them.  It is important to always give hard hamster food too so that their teeth don't overgrow.

How old is your hamster?  Why do you want to feed it milk?  

With baby hamsters cows milk (or any other milk for that matter) is difficult for them to digest and should be avoided for the first few weeks.  In emergencies where a mother isn't feeding her babies enough, it is possible to get a special powdered type of milk that is specially designed for orphaned babies, but you need to get this from a vet.  

I hope this helps you.
