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Syrian Hamster-female sores on body

21 12:01:14

Hi Kelly, My daughter has a Syrian female hamster. "Abby" has a black sore on her side. My daughter noticed it about 3 days ago. After examining her, she has some smaller sores on her belly.  She has been sleeping more than usual, and scratching.  After trying to find out what the problem was and searching the web, do you think it can be a bad case of mites? I saw a website that recommended a "Tree Tea Oil" diluted with water, to put on her coat, but not to get it damp, and this would get rid of the mites...I know the vet is not open tomorrow...but want to try and do something, if we can by home remedy.  The hamster is about 21 months old.  Thanks for your help.  We are desperate to save Abby!  Jody & Alanna

Hi Jody,

Your hamster may in fact have mites.  Mites, if left untreated, can lead to mange, so it's very important to treat them soon.  I have to say that I've never heard of tea tree oil to treat mites.  Instead, go to the pet store and buy anti-mite spray for small animals.  Shield the hamster's head, and spray the hamster's body.  Then, clean the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray.  If the sores don't go away within a few days, then you should take Abby to the vet.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
