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Russian Dwarf Hamster

21 11:42:18


I bought two sibling Russian Dwarf Hamsters in February this year, sadly one of my hamsters recently died. They lived together in the same cage and got on really well. Now I have one hamster left, should I buy a companion for my remaining hamster, or would it be better for her to stay alone?

Whilst Russian hamsters can live together, they need to be related and never separated beforehand.  It is very difficult to introduce Russian hamsters to each other and therefore I recommend you keeping the one you have on her own.  

I had two cages of Campbells once, they were related but sadly Campbells are prone to diabetes and all but one of the litter died within a few months of each other.  The remaining hamster lived alone and she was great - she got all my attention and we had a fantastic friendship.  If you wanted to have another hamster, I'm afraid it would mean separate cages.
