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syrian hamster - swollen paw

21 13:31:33

I have two Syrian hamsters(both 4 mo. old). Just separated because one developed a swollen and inflamed front paw.  I am treating it with warm salt baths and oral antibiotics.  I just noticed today our second hamster is also developing a sore front paw.  The new second cage we just bought is a large (1.5 ft) rotating wire wheel with a stationary sleeping/feeding area in the center.  I'm wondering if it might be this?  Does not look like pododermatitis.  Their bedding is real wool...can this cause an allergic reaction?

Hi Lorielle,

Yes, wool bedding can cause an allergic reaction.  The only 2 truly safe beddings for hamsters and other small animals are Aspen and Carefresh.  Many others such as wool and pine can cause reactions and respiratory infections.  Change the bedding to either Aspen or Carefresh, and the problem should be resolved.  If it shows no sign of improvement, you should see a vet.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
