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New hamster question.

21 13:32:59

I just bought a new Hamster yesturday night. She is a female Syrian Hamster. Very cute and cuddly looking. But she hasn't paid any attention to her water bottle. I don't want her to dehydrate or die on me. How long does it usually take for  hamsters to start using their water bottles in a new environment? They had a water bottle in the tank at the pet store where we purchased her so she is familiar with it. What should I do?

some hamsters just don't like water. Make sure she always has vegetables and fruit to get some water from. They don't need to drink and can survive on moist fruits/vegetables alone (carrot, apple, cucumber, dandelion, zucchini, pear...). Nonetheless the hamster should always have access to water. Sometimes a hamster will start to use the water bottle after a few weeks or months, so you have nothing to worry about.
I hope I was of some help to you